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Creating A Sideshow Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
There are many ways that humanity has found to display images, but the prinacle, at least judged by it's ubiquity on the internet, is the slideshow. Creating your own slideshow to jazz up a website is not the hardest task in the world, so be prepared to having it up and running quickly.

Custom Posts in WordPress
Creating a custom post in word press is pretty easy. Once you've created the custom post type just go into the admin section and click the create new button. With that dad joke out of the way creating a custom post class is no difficult feat either.

Creating a WordPress Site Using Page Builders
WordPress on it's own is great. WordPress with a page builder plugin is incredible.

Surviving an Intensive Code School
"I have no clue how I'm going to pay my taxes, but I got my code done, so it's fine" -B.N.

Password Hashing
This article interested me for a couple of reasons. Firstly it gives a good overview of the different approaches to password protection within both larger commercial and smaller, more personal websites. It also did a good job of joining the debate over its subject manner, giving seemingly solid conclusions as to why the author came to their position.

WordPress with Page Builders as a Gateway to More Approachable Code
WordPress is a content management system based on MySQL and PHP, which can be used to create a good looking website involving HTML, CSS, and JavaScript without the user ever touching much of the base-level code. WordPress can does not even require any files to be downloaded, as simply creating an account at the WordPress website affords the user all of the necessary top-level functionality.

Using the Scientific Method's Experimental Procedure to Refine Test Creation
One of the most valuable tools a programmer has in their toolkit is unit testing. Unit tests consist of taking specific, important, high traffic portions of your program and running them in isolation. This allows you to crystallize exactly what this section of your program does. Ruby has a testing tool called RSpec, which I am most familiar with, but the basic idea can be transfered between languages. RSpec tests look like this:

Floats Fear Them, Face Them, Make Them Your Own
Many baby coders who attempt to tinker with the dark art know as float come away burned. The position sisters make some sense, (Static, Absolute and Relative) but trying to use float without a decent understanding of what effects it has and how to use it to accomplish your goals tends to end in a train wreck. To get this understanding of why floats work the way that they do and what their inherent limitations are it helps to have some (semi)historical context. Floats were thought up in the early days of the modern Internet, as a way to make images and text align nicely for newspaper websites. Before floats html was pretty static, with everything element listed one after the other.

Creating a Mondrian Painting Program
So you want to make a pretty picture using the computer? Well no, if you are reading this that's probably the least of what you want to do. There are plenty of programs out there that can allow you to do that, so that can't be your goal for reading this article. Maybe you want to write a computer program that will allow you to practice multiple skills and produce something that you can both enjoy yourself and show off? Well, now we are getting somewhere.

An Explanation of the DOM in Java Script
What is the Dom you ask? Good question my foolish young coder. At it's essence the DOM is a way of understanding a website, an outlook that has been codified into JavaScript. DOM is short for Document Object Model, and it refers to just about everything on an HTML page. It is fashioned like a river system, beginning with the Document, flowing straight down to the HTML tag before splitting into head and body, which then break off into all the different bits of code which are included in the HTML page(i.e. the HTML code). Pull up a full page of HTML code and you can chart the course that the DOM takes, noting that each end tag denote the finality of that particular sections scope. These objects are called nodes.

Beginning Ruby and Intro to the Command Line
Welcome to the wonderful world of ruby and the Command Line Interface! This tutorial will help you to build a little knowledge of ruby basics and Command Line Interface usage through creating a program to store your random musings in a centralized .txt file.
Photo by Alan Emery on Unsplash